Hello there! This is my first photography blog post, so I suppose first I should offer an introduction. I've discussed with my facebook fans the possibility I would start a blog to help explain things related to photography as I understand them. If you're here and not a fan, I would love it if you would follow me on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/PhotoWare).
Let me take a minute to re-emphasize my statement “as I understand them”. I’m not a professional photographer by any means. I would rate myself as an ‘aspiring amateur’, and as such, I’m learning as I go. It amazes me how much I believe my photography has improved over the past year, and I anticipate it will continue as I learn and experiment more. My hope is to convey what I’ve learned here so you might learn with me. I also apologize, as I am nothing of a writer, perhaps this will improve too. :)
Please feel free to comment on any of my posts, I welcome feedback and questions.